Art Body Painting

Now personally I don't have a tattoo although I have been thinking of getting one. My wife has a small heart just above her right breast that you normally can't see. I like it there and if you are wanting to get a tattoo, there are many things to consider.

First you need to be tattoo smart. By that I mean you need to do a little research on them. There are many resources across the internet that can give you ideas about placement, coloring, style, design, and pro's and con's. From personal observation, I have noticed that certain places on the body can add to your appearance and seductivity and other places can be distracting. Depending on whether you are in the spotlight or just behind the scenes, you need to know how a tattoo will affect your everyday activities.

Most of society has begun to accept tattooing and generally don't make a big deal about them. I myself, think they add a certain flair to your personality. They are a way of expressing who you are and how you feel about yourself. Remember, they are a permanent part of your body afterwards. They can be very enticing or they can be ridiculous. Some people have made it their objective to completely cover their entire body with tattoos. I don't really care for this type of practice but, if that is what you want to do this, then go for it.

When and if you decide to get a tattoo, by doing the research first you will be able to make a well informed decision as to where and how you want to display your new form of self expression. Whether they are in the form of flowers, butterflies, animals, and even people, they can add to your self worth. Many of us would like to express ourselves everyday but, we just don't how. You can through the form of a tattoo.

If you decide to go ahead and purchase a tattoo, please remember that they are expensive to install and remove depending on the size and location. Although they can be removed, there is the possibility of some tissue damage and discoloration.

Body Painting Tips

Body painting is one of the most unique kinds of art. People from all over the world paint their bodies to express their thoughts and feelings. People paint their bodies when they are cheering for their team. They also paint their bodies for specific events. Just like a clown paints his face to make people laugh similarly people get their body painted for many reason. The painted body represents creativity and imagination. There are certain tips one can follow while painting their body. A certain procedure is followed for painting the body to ensure that the paint looks beautiful and portrays a sharp image.

Before painting the body it is a good idea to wash and dry your body so that the dust particles are removed. This will help in creating a uniform layer of paint. There are several methods for painting your body. Select the one that best suits you for the following: tempra, markers, liquid latex, airbrush makeup, PAX makeup and textile acrylics. Each technique has its own pros and cons. Using markers are safe and they are cheap but it takes a lot of time to paint the body with markers. Also these markers have to be frequently replaced as they finish up quickly. Using tempra is a bad choice as it flakes off when it dries and makes quite a mess. Although it is cheap but when the paint dries up it becomes powdery.

The use of airbrush makeup to paint the body is a very good choice and highly recommended by professional. Unfortunately it is expensive but the quality is wonderful. Painting with the help of airbrush makeup is flexible and provides excellence in the quality of work. Another good choice for painting body is the use of textile acrylics which are cheap, easy to use, good looking and safe to use. All these are the perfect methods for painting the body. Apart from this while painting the body one must keep certain things in mind. Use a sponge if a larger area is to be painted, it is quicker and easier. Visualizing the end result is a good idea as it will help in the perfect painting of the body. Add special effects by using glitter and other shiny cosmetics. Keep a bundle of tissues while painting so as to quickly remove the mistakes while painting and drawing. All these tips can help in painting the body perfectly.

Body Painting and Makeup

A special kind of body art is the body painting and makeup. This is the easiest and most common kind of body art. There are thousands of events where body is painted. Whether you are cheering for your team or just watching a live parade body painting makes you look perfect. People prefer painting their body and makeup for many reasons which include portraying their thoughts and feeling or just expressing their creativity. The process of body painting and makeup requires skills which take years to master. Many people paint their bodies just for fun. Clown put on makeup and painting to make themselves unique and funny. Similarly other people prefer body painting to make them look special and exceptional.

Painting the body and makeup requires special kinds of cosmetics and paint. These are easily available online on many websites. Be sure to use the right product which is approved by the FDA. For getting your body painted the first step is to imagine the painting that you want on your body. It is a better idea to draw the painting so that it is easier for the professional painter to easily paint your body. Although most people prefer painting on their face and chest but there are some who want their body to be completely painted. The next step is to get the right products and cosmetics for the body painting and makeup. In case if you are going to professional body painter, than the previous step is not required. Clean your body before getting it painted as it will help remove the dust and create a uniform film of paint on your body. Now be patient while the professional paints your body. After the process is complete than the part of drying the paint comes. The paint can be dried by a dryer or by standing under a fan. Once the drying process is complete so is the process of body painting.